Emergency Preparedness


Don't Be Caught Unprepared!

Beyond CPR, classes or lectures are also available that discuss emergency preparation.  Ideal for caregivers, adults with older parents or to prepare yourself, this is an excellent presentation for luncheons, church committees or community outreach organizations.  Learn what information and documents are essential in an emergency.  Discover how to easily and inexpensively pack a “go-kit” with needed items for a rapid evacuation or even an emergency hospital trip.  Designed to be an interactive informative experience, this can be tailored to the needs of the group.  

As a member of the AR1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team and the Pulaski County Medical Reserve Corps, I attempt to give personal insights into what simple items can make an emergency bearable. 

Call  501-664-1477 or email  karen@konarskiclinic.com  put "disaster preparedness" as Subject